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February 12, 2025

09:00 AM – 06:00 PM

Monday to Friday

Call: 204-296-5722

Financial Transition Planning

As a homeowner, we often hear that you know you have a good amount of equity in your home, however, you just aren’t exactly sure what your options are. Some people are curious about selling their home and buying something new, others just want to know if it makes sense to just keep the equity in their home.

The problem that most people have is that they are not being presented with the information and education necessary to help them understand their options. If you’re wondering or have even considered selling your home to move or staying in your home and utilizing the equity you have to better your financial position, who would you call to find out if it would be in your best financial interest? This is a significant decision and one that shouldn’t be made without knowing how it affects every aspect of your financial life and overall lifestyle of your family.

Our team will put together the following package for you to review:

  • An estimate of the net proceeds you would get from selling your home.
  • Different Strategies to use your proceeds
  • Monthly payment estimates on the new home you may be looking for
  • Tax implications or benefits
  • Short Term and Long Term Wealth Impact
  • How to use some of the funds to add to or jump start retirement planning
  • Overall savings for sufficient family reserves or college savings funds
  • Paying off non-tax deductible or high-interest debt
  • If you think that staying in the home is the best option, we can look at home improvement or renovation options to improve the property and make it a better long term solution

This is why we have created an easy way for you to get all of the information and education necessary to fully understand whether it would make sense to sell your current home or stay exactly where you are. Whatever decision you make, we want to make sure it’s an educated one.

It’s VERY important to us that you realize that the purpose of this Financial Transition Plan is not to tell you why you should sell your home.

We simply want to provide you with the information necessary to make an educated decision. When our team reviews the analysis with you, if we feel it’s in your best interest to stay right where you are, we will definitely tell you that and help you with a plan to get to your ultimate goal, when you’re ready.

Get a Your FREE Home Transition Plan Today


This process has been extremely valuable for so many people that we have been fortunate to help. We are excited to present you with this information, so if you are interested in learning more about your options with your current home, please reach out to our team and we would be happy to help.
